Every medical cable application is different so why settle for an off the shelf solution for a unique problem? Many discussion boards indicate that when someone is looking for a specialised medical cable the advice usually tells them to call Belden or Alpha. There is nothing wrong with Alpha or Belden, however keep in mind that they produce generic wire and cable that covers a wide variety of uses and may not meet all your needs.
If you wanted to race in Formula 1, would you go to your neighbourhood car dealer and buy a generic automobile to race? Of course not, you would build a custom car with the performance to handle the racetrack conditions, the type of race and your driving style. The same applies to medical cables; your requirements are specific to your application which may include size, number and type of conductors, bio-compatibility, sterilisation techniques or even a custom coloured jacket. Custom medical cables like those built by Calmont Wire and Cable Inc. are designed specifically for your requirements and type of use.
Often for new designs and products, a small quantity is needed for prototypes, proof of concept or testing. Custom medical cable manufacturers understand this and normally have the capabilities to manufacture small runs of custom wire and cable. If your medical cable design is simple, ask us if we have any sample stock or over runs in stock that match your general requirements.
Get the right cable for your medical device by contacting a medical cable manufacturer's representative like In2Connect UK to discuss your needs and application. The more the cable manufacturer knows about your needs the better your design will be suited to your application.
What to tell your medical cable manufacturer:
• Type of use – How the medical device will be used, the environment, will the cable be subjected to repetitive flexing, high temperatures or abrasion?
• Sterilisation – Is the cable reusable or disposable? Will the cable be sterilised? If so how and how many cycles.
• Patient contact – What bio-compatibility requirements are needed? Explain the extent of patient contact with the wire or cable.
• Mechanical requirements – Voltage, temperature, flex cycles and EMI shielding. Will the cable experience repeated bending or twisting motion?
• Physical requirements – The number of conductors, size, plating, cable construction, shape and overall diameter.
• Expectations – Discuss what you want for performance and product longevity. Do you expect product lifetime to be 6 months or 6 years?
If you don’t have all the answers or if wire and cable isn’t your forte, it is no problem. Custom wire and cable manufacturers who are experienced with medical device wire and cable are experts in material choices, construction and the options available to you. They will guide you through the design process to insure you get the best performance out of your medical device cable.
If you want to learn more about medical cables or would like to have one designed for you, contact In2Connect UK today. Calmont has been manufacturing medical wire and cable for decades and understands that each customer has their own unique needs and expectations.